Debbie Greenwood
Debbie Greenwood is a multi-media artist based in the beautiful fishing village of Harbourville, Nova Scotia.
She has lived internationally and travelled extensively over the last 30 years, studying with established artists locally in Nova Scotia, as well as in Toronto and Ottawa, Ontario, Maryland USA, and overseas in Europe living in Portugal near the magical village of Sintra and studying with renowned artist Tom Bund in his Sintra Garden Studio.
Over the years she has explored a variety of media including illustration, woodcarving, pottery, gouache, silk painting and, her passion, oil painting. As she travelled, her work has been sold and shown in galleries along the way. She continues to express her creative passions in her hilltop studio, Harbourville Rose Studio, and en plein air in her mobile Van Go travelling studio.
Deb’s gallery work is exclusive to Tides Contemporary Art Gallery in Kentville, Nova Scotia. You can follow her on Facebook – Harbourville Rose Studio; Van Go Travelling Studio.

Email: Phone: 902-844-0656
Fractured Light: Interpreting Surrounding Activity and Energy - Artist Statement
Fractured Light is also known as Broken Colour -
It is a painting technique developed in the 1870s by a group of unconventional artists now known as the Impressionists.
The broken light theory follows that light comes from the sun traveling in waves; different lengths bending, reflecting, deflecting—depending on air moisture. Light refracts as it enters the moist air, which is separated into spectral colours.
We all see colours differently according to how our eyes interpret the colour.
The impressionist technique is the use of visible brush strokes depicting the passage of time and changes of light along the subject being painted.
I’ve sought to capture my vision of the light reflecting at different angles in my paintings, depicting
sunlight interacting with moving light, moisture and air, as the light reflects at different angles on raindrops and moisture.