Carolyn Mallory
Carolyn Mallory lived and raised her family in Iqaluit, Nunavut for 12 years and her heart has never been the same. The Arctic touched her deeply.
Carolyn has authored three books, Common Plants of Nunavut, co-authored with Susan Aiken; Common Insects of Nunavut; and Painted Skies, a picture book for children.
Carolyn has participated in many community art shows in Nova Scotia. Much of her inspiration is still Arctic, however she draws on her growing love of Nova Scotia to expand her repertoire.
Carolyn returns each summer to the Arctic as a resource staff person on board the Ocean Endeavour with Adventure Canada. She returns because she can’t get enough of the vast expanses of land, the breathtaking fjords, the tiny Arctic plants, which all serve as inspiration for her work.
Carolyn’s detailed work often offers a unique perspective on the world she sees. She continues to explore different techniques with watercolour and loves to mix colours!
More recently, she has continued to explore her art through oil painting. She is finding the new medium challenging but the ability to provide texture and rich colours to her work is very exciting.
Painting brings her both satisfaction and peace, neither of which she can live without.

Phone: 902-670-0086