Carl Snyder
Years ago, Carl finished a B.A. and M.L.S. from McGill while helping to edit a small literary magazine and contributing to the university newspaper. Photography had long been of interest so, while working as a librarian, he started moonlighting as a darkroom technician at a commercial photography studio in Montreal. Soon he was assisting on camera and later working as a freelance product photographer. Freelancing continued with a move to Toronto and work in several commercial and advertising studios from 1984 – 2009.
After semi-retiring, he became involved with the Newmarket Studio Tour/Newmarket Group of Artists (Newmarket, Ont.), 2009 - 2011. Working with the Newmarket Group of Artists made Carl aware of the importance of co-op artist ventures to the continuing survival of display/work/education centres for practicing artists.
After moving to Wolfville in 2011, Carl joined ViewPoint Gallery, serving as a board member and as Director of Communications since August 2013. He also served on the board of VANS from 2015 to 2018.
A great deal of his current work involves long, narrative landscapes, some printed to a very large scale. Most landscapes are stitched multi exposures, processed only to preserve the detail, atmosphere and colours of the original scene. Carl does have some direct visual influences, especially Joel Meyerowitz’s (photography) use of colour, Rackstraw Downes’ (painter) use of overwhelming panorama, and Sarah Jones’ (painter) landscape abstraction.
Semi abstract effort surfaces now and again. Physical print manipulation, experimenting with different papers, textures, and transfer methods are newly emerging.

Website: under construction